About Assured Research

Assured Research is a research and advisory firm dedicated to the property/casualty insurance industry. We were formed in November, 2011 and are pleased to count U.S. and global (re)insurers, brokers, consultants, private equity firms, and business schools among our subscribers and clients. Our subscribers write or control over $500 billion of annual premiums.

We are proud of our differentiated research which has been cited in the Wall St. Journal and New York Times in addition to trade magazines such as Carrier Management. Our research has also been featured in business school and risk management courses at universities across the country.

Subscribers to the Assured Research Package receive a combination of monthly Assured Briefings (typically 4-5 research notes covering 17-20 pages), periodic Assured Comments (1-page notes) and Assured Reports (5-7 pages on a singular topic). On average, we reach subscribers about once each week.

The topics we pursue are intentionally diverse. For example, our work analyzes business development, financial, legal, actuarial and claim matters relevant to P/C insurance professionals. We consider our work a success when it stimulates conversations and cross-function collaboration within our subscribers. We eagerly collaborate with subscribers and industry partners to inform (and differentiate) our research.

Subscribers also receive other benefits including: 1) we're happy to make occasional presentations whether to boards of directors, new hires, or at a company lunch-n-learn, for instance; 2) we welcome occasional round-tables with subscribers to discuss industry trends or delve into specific issues; 3) we'll customize research we've released - where feasible - to maximize its utility to our subscribers.